Resident data ends at 2310, program starts at 2310, file ends at c380 Starting analysis pass at address 230d End of analysis pass, low address = 2310, high address = bc5c [Start of text] S001: "TUBE TROUBLE" S002: " by Richard Tucker, 1995. First-timers should type "info". " S003: "950703" S004: "5/11" S005: "a" S006: "You can't go that way." S007: "the" S008: "the" S009: "the" S010: "the" S011: "the" S012: "the" S013: "the" S014: "the" S015: "the" S016: "the" S017: "the" S018: "the" S019: "It is pitch dark, and you can't see a thing." S020: "As good-looking as ever." S021: "Nameless item" S022: "your former self" S023: "The clothes are heaped up into a disorderly mound." S024: "some" S025: "Just a few coppers." S026: "The tramp is almost buried by a heap of torn and filthy clothing." S027: "The cap seems to be a series of holes, held together by wool and dandruff. At one time it might have been tweed." S028: "It's a carpet bag with a rusty zip fastening and it looks full. Full of what you dare not speculate." S029: "You are on a platform west of a slightly curved and empty track. Stairs marked "Exit" lead up and out, and an electric sign is hanging from the ceiling. Against the wall stands an old vending machine." S030: "Don't be stupid -- you'd get electrocuted." S031: "The machine is so old that the instructions have been worn away. On the front panel are a narrow slot, a lever, and a dispensing tray." S032: "It must be a coin slot, because just below are small black letters saying "6p"." S033: "The lever is embossed with a circle, and the word "PULL"" S034: "It's exactly like any other penny you've ever seen." S035: "One shilling, i.e. five pence." S036: "Of course, it's not legal tender any more, but then again it had probably been in that chocolate machine for years." S037: "The corners are worn, and Sir Isaac's face is dirty, but it's worth a pound, and that's not to be sniffed at." S038: "It's a small bar of "Fruit and Nut" chocolate, and it comes conveniently without any form of wrapping, to allow you to eat it quickly and to reduce litter." S039: "The electrified track provides power for the trains. It's high voltage and extremely dangerous." S040: "You're in a short corridor south of the ticket hall. Two stairways lead down; one to the west for platform one, the other to the east for platform two. A small notice is attached to the wall." S041: "Which way down, east or west?" S042: "The notice reads: ANYONE BEHAVING IN SUCH A WAY AS TO CAUSE A PUBLIC DISTURBANCE RISKS DELAYING THE TRAINS. ALL SUCH OFFENDERS ARE LIABLE TO BE PROSECUTED." S043: "This is a circular room from which a corridor leads off to the south. An automatic barrier blocks the way north." S044: "Your attempts to bulldoze your way through the barrier are unsuccessful." S045: "The barrier is ticket operated. Since you don't have a ticket, you can't operate it." S046: "But the door is closed." [End of text] [End of file]